5 comments on “Bagaimana Kereta Myvi Mudah Dicuri

  1. i had bypass the chip from myv engine that use to start it.its very easy…as u need just a set of walkie talkie,laptop and broadband, retrieve the radiowave,copying the wave into xxxxxx software , copy back it to paste on the wlkie talkie,alternating the wave,click on the walkie talkie bck to switch off the system in the engine.after that using any fake key/master key to emulate the teeth.anytin is easy as u just neeed a good brain.


  2. as’salam,meh la aku trngkn srba sdkit,psl curi kete ni,kete yg pling snang kena curi kancil smpai la myvi 1.0,sbb xde guna transponder,imobillizer,myvi 1.3 stkat nak bukak ambik btry seangkatan dkt engine blh,klau nak bypass bawak lari kete kena ada hijec diagnosis.
    system lock xpyah beli la,smua blh bukak,baik yg mahal mhu pon yg murah…berserah kpda allah je,jgn plak mngatal x kunci kete…tu nasib la.


  3. biar btol boleh…kereta aku kunci hilang….pomen satu kl dan selangor cakap myvi xboleh bypass….xkan hidup kereta….ko pernah buat ke dgr org ckap jer…sekadar bertanya….ty


  4. Nak tny le,immobilizer keta tu mcm ne nak bypass ye?pelik gak sbb sy dh wat,tp masih xleh nak bypass immo tu…advice skit leh bro?..tq..


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